Monday, May 30, 2011

Leaving the wet season

Well, it´s been getting warmer and dryer everyday. The rain is less frequent, and usually there isn´t any. It´s that time of the year I guess.
The highlight of the week was yesterday at church when our young friend Jonathas was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and received the Gift of the Holy Ghost. He´s a great kid. Very relaxed and calm. I kind of see myself in him a little-bit. He wants to be a missionary some day. He´ll have to wait a few more years, but he´s on the path. This week looks like another youth will be baptized. Her name is Patrícia and her sister was recently baptized in February.
Parnaiba is a wonderful place.
I hope you are well. I love you. Don´t forget that the gospel is true. I know living it brings happiness and joy.
-Elder Samuel H. Chiba

Monday, May 23, 2011

New Arrival

Well this last week, there was a random transfer, and our friend Elder Robertson was transfered out of our house and to another state. We received a new elder in our house. His name is Elder Christian from Sacramento CA!!! Sweet right? I think there are at least 3 Californians here in this mission. (note: I am the first...) Well enough for my pride.

Yesterday was a really special day. Our friend Jonathas of 15 of age was baptized after sacrament meeting. It was a really happy moment. It´s really great to be here in Parnaiba. I hope I can stay for a while. The Lord is blessing the people, the church, and the work here. I hope I can help better. I know the Church is true. I love you.

-Elder Samuel H. Chiba


The Korokes we made the other week. (Yum!)


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Sorry, I forgot to send that last week with the package info update. (See the previous post for an updated address or the side bar to your right.)

Elder Cameron and I have been teaching some great people lately. There is Jonathas and his sister Sara. They are really great people. Jonathas is 15 and Sara is 20. And Jonathas is excited to be baptised on this upcoming Saturday. There is also Iasmim, who we´ve been teaching for a while, she is 16 and is really anxious to be baptized. Seeing her testimony grow these past few weeks has been great. She has even been sharing the gospel with some of her friends and standing up when others make bad comments about the church.
We recently started teaching a man named Marcos, whom we had ran into on the street. It´s more like he found us. He was kind of drunk and asked us for our help overcoming his drinking problem. He told us that his brother was a member of the church but had stopped going to church. He said that when his brother was actively involved in the church his life was great, but when he stopped attending his life and family life went down hill. But Marcos told us how happy his brother was when he was in the church and that he wanted the same thing. We went with him to his house and found his brother-in-law João who was also happy to receive us in their home. A few days later we went back and met with Marcos, João, and their friend Francisco. Then the next visit we met Marcos´ brother Raimundo and Francisco´s mother Francisca.

They are all great people. It´s amazing the way the Lord puts people in our paths. I hope that we can help them all come unto Christ by living the restored gospel. There are many people out there looking for truth and happiness. I know that the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ brings happiness. I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. I know that Joseph Smith was called of God to restore the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love you. Have a great week and look for opportunities to lift others.

-Elder Samuel H. Chiba

New Address!

Elder Samuel Chiba
Missão Brasil Teresina
CP 2321 Teresina - PI
64001-973 Brasil

Mario Aparecido Dias
A/C Elder__________
CP 2321 Teresina - PI
64001-973 Brasil

If you do want to send a package to Elder Chiba let a family member in the area know. Chances are they will already be sending something or would be willing to share in postage to join in on your package.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Dia Das Mães

It was good to hear the family's voices for the Mother's Day phone call home.Yesterday marked my second to last phone call home, leaving only about 8 months until I go home. Time sure is flying by fast. I hope I can make the best use of my time here. [Blog posts may be less frequent] Just be sure to know, that I love you.

-Elder Samuel H. Chiba

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Well, there is this awesome person we´ve been teaching and she was going to be baptized this past weekend, but there were a lot of problems. She and us did everything we could to prepare for the baptism, but in the end it didn´t work out. We´re going to work some more on this.

This past weekend we had the conference of the District of Parnaiba. It was very good. The speakers spoke a lot about rescuing others. There are actually a lot of members here, but there are a lot of people who get baptized and then stop going to church after a short while. My Mission President, Presidente Dias, and his counselor, Presidente Santos gave some particularly good talks in reference to rescuing others and following the Lord. First Presidente Santos talked about the rich young man in the book of Mark.

Mark 10:17-22

17¶And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

18And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none agood but one, that is, God.

19Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit aadultery, Do not bkill, Do not csteal, Do not bear false witness, dDefraud not, eHonour thy father and mother.

20And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth.

21Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and agive to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and bfollow me.

22And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.

To this story, Presidente Santos talked about the importance of giving up things that are precious to follow the Lord or submit to His will. Where do our treasures ly? Here or in heaven?

Presidente Dias expanded some more on this subject sharing some scriptures in Matthew chapter 10:37-39

37He that aloveth father or mother bmore than me is not worthy of me: and he that cloveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

38And he that taketh not his across, and followeth after me, is not bworthy of me.

39aHe that findeth his life shall blose it: and he that closeth his dlife for my sake shall find it.

He talked about how in following Jesus Christ, we usually have to take the "Right" path rather than the "Easy" path. For example, it´s more easy to stay at home rather than go out to visit someone who is in need. For a married couple with problems, usually the easy choice is to divorce, where the right choice is to work. The easy choice in any case in life is often times not what we should do. Where do we keep our treasures? Work is the correct choice, although it may not be the easiest, it is the correct choice.

I still have a lot to learn. I´m really grateful to have a mission president who is so wise. I too need to work on my work ethic. I hope that I can make the correct choice instead of taking the easy way out. Let´s take up our "cross" and build up zion wherever we are. It may not be easy, but it is the right thing to do. If you know someone who is in need, or someone who was at one time actively involved in the Church but isn´t, I encourage you to take the courage to talk to them. I know that Jesus Christ lives. That is why I am here. I hope you have a great week. I love you.

-Elder Samuel H. Chiba

Elder Chiba and Elder Cameron

Ovos de Pascoa

Jumping off sand dunes

"CHIBA" in Japanese