Thursday, June 30, 2011

Different Answers

So, this past week my companion and I fasted so that we could have a baptism. During the week we did all that we could to help someone enter the waters of baptism this past Saturday. Long story short, no one was baptized this last weekend, but the Lord answered our prayers in a different way. Friday morning we contacted a reference we had previously received. She is married to a member of the church here in Parnaiba. When we got there we sat down and barely introduced ourselves, when she said "so, it´s with you that I mark my baptism right? I have a date in mind. Can I be baptized on the 9th of July?" To which we responded, "Sure! Of course!". She is really happy and excited and can´t wait to go to the temple. She also wants to help the rest of her family live the gospel.

So, moral of the story, although we may want certain or specific results or answers, God gives us what He feels is right, and a lot of the time as I have notice the answers to our prayers are different than we expect. I know that God lives and that His plan of happiness is true. Let´s all work to go to the Celestial Kingdom. I love you all. Have a great week!!!

-Elder Samuel H. Chiba

Monday, June 20, 2011

Things are going better

First off, HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!
Things are going better here in good ol´ Parnaiba. E. Martinez is really cool. We´ve been working well together. On Saturday we went to visit an english class a the local university. They asked us questions and we got to share the gospel with them in english. Which I might add is weird. There is a member who takes english there and asked us to visit. There was this girl in the class that was interesting and too flirtatious. She was asking us what we like to do, and if we were single or married, and what we like to do at night. To which we responded accordingly: sing, single, and sleep. To which she was dissappointed. It was interesting... Another girl asked me if I liked the girl who was what call here "sem vergonha" or without shame, to which I said "Não vou responder" I won´t respond/answer. We were talking in English the whole time except for my last comment. It was a funny experience. The other students asked good questions. There was a student that was interested in our work as missionaries and was interested in visiting the church. It´s interesting how things work out.
I´ve been finding out that obedience and work really are what make me happy. I know that the gospel is true. I know that the Book of Mormon is true.
-Elder Samuel Chiba

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Elder Martinez

Well, hello there. I got my new companion. He´s way cool. His name is Elder Kim Martinez. He´s from Mesa Arizona. We´ve been getting along great. He´s chill and also likes to sing. We´ve been singing together recently in our visits and it´s cool because we can harmonize. He´s my first companion that I can do that with. Things here are moving along. I´m happy and healthy. Just a friendly reminder for anyone that plans on sending a package, make sure the address is in the format below, otherwise the package will be sent back.

Presidente Mário Aparecido Dias
a/c Elder Samuel Chiba
CP 2321 - CEP 64001-973
Teresina - PI - Brasil

Letters can be sent to the following:

Elder Samuel Chiba
Missão Brasil Teresina
CP 2321 - CEP 64001-973
Teresina - PI

I highly recommend reading Jesus The Christ for anyone who hasn´t read it. I´ve been reading about various parables that The Savior taught, and they are humbling and enlightening. Jesus Christ was a very effective teacher. I´ve been studying Jesus the Christ so that I can get to know the Savior better and to learn how He taught in the hopes I can learn from His example. Anyway, I pray that you are all well. I love you.

-Elder Samuel H. Chiba

Monday, June 6, 2011

Goodbye E. Cameron

Well, my companion Elder Cameron from Las Vegas is being transfered tomorrow. I wish he didn´t have to go, but that´s mission life. Always trading companions.

This week, I had somewhat of a humbling experience. Something Dad had told me a few weeks ago in an email. That´s probably what helped me be able to really have the experience. We were eating lunch with some members, and the Sister who made lunch for us was telling us about the Elder that taught her. She said that he told her that he was serving his mission because of love. Her eyes were teary and told us about the importance of serving the Lord because of love. Many of us serve because of what others see and judge of us. We seek the approval of others, and yet miss the true meaning and power behind the gospel. That´s what she said basically, or at least that´s what I got out of it. Love, is so important in the work of the Lord. The scriptures in Moroni 7:47-48 talk about the importance of love.

47But acharity is the pure blove of Christ, and it endureth cforever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.

48Wherefore, my beloved brethren, apray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true bfollowers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall cbe like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be dpurified even as he is pure. Amen.

It´s interesting, in Portuguese, the part that says to pray... with all energy of heart, the verb rogar is used. This verb means to pray but with a pleading feeling. I know that God loves us and expects us to love Him and our neighbors, friends, family, and everyone else. I love you. I hope you´re all doing well.

-Elder Samuel H. Chiba