Monday, October 17, 2011

Sushi and Onigiri

Today Elder Eberhardt and I made some sort of sushi roll and onigiri. A member in São Luís gave me some nori, that I´ve been saving, and we used it today. It was a great lunch. My companion discovered he really likes onigiri. He said that he is really lucky because he´s one of the few people in this mission that gets to have a Japanese companion.

This past week was "Childrens Day" here in Brazil on the 12 of October. So, happy Children´s day to everyone! or Feliz Dia das Crianças para todos!

Yesterday, was the confirmation of Senior Martins. It was interesting. He´s hard of hearing, and when the bishop called him up to be confirmed he didn´t realize he was being called up, so my comp and I went to get him, and tried to tell him he needed to go up to the pulpit to be confirmed, but you see we tried to do it reverently. So he, being hard of hearing, says "What? I´m half def, can you speak up?" Anyway, you can imagine it was kind of funny. But we brought him up to the front and the bishop confirmed him. It was a really nice confirmation. The bishop here in Açailândia is great! He´s really short, but he has a huge spirit. You can see in his eyes. He´s a really good example of a good church leader. He loves the people and loves the gospel and is really excited about doing the Lord´s work.

Anyway, things are starting to pick up here. We´ve been find and working with some really good families! It´s really nice. We've been teaching a lot about eternal families lately. Families can be together forever. It´s one of the greatest blessing that our Loving Father in Heaven has in store for us. If we are faithful and live His gospel we can live with our families forever. This blessing was restored to the earth once again after the restoration of the gospel and the church of Jesus Christ through the prophet Joseph Smith.

I love you. I hope you have a great week!

-Elder Samuel H. Chiba

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