Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So, things are nice.

So, life here is very humble for everyone. I´m also still amazed at the fact that people recognize that I am of Asian descent. They usually ask if I´m from China or Japane. The other day a kid yelled to me ´Take me back to China with you!´ I didn´t have the heart to tell him I was American. Everyday, I learn a new reason why the Lord sent me here or what I am supposed to do to help the people in my area. It´s very cool. I´ve decided to take a new approach and outlook on things. I was so distrought about so many little things that I´ve missed out on other things. Thank goodness it´s still in the beginning. So, the people are wonderful. I tried a new fruit I think it was yesterday called bacuri. It was gross to say the least. That´s one for the things to avoid list. My arms and my neck up are getting darker by the day. I think I´ll appear more like my father that I thought I ever would. In the streets you either see kids playing soccer or flying home made kites. It´s pretty cool. As far as work goes for people, I´m not too sure. I´ll have to look into that more. It´s kind of rural, but not. It´s not really the city either. I´ll take more pictures. It´s hard to explain, but there is a lot of lush green everywhere. Kind of like Hawaii but landlocked.
So, God our Heavenly Father is a just God. Since the beginning of man He has called prophets, but time after time people stop listening to or reject the prophets. For example Adam, Noah, and Moses. Eventually He sent His son Jesus Christ to be a prophet, but also our Savior. When Christ was on the earth He established His church. His church contained a prophet (Jesus Christ), twelve apostles, and the authority to govern His church. But, just as before, people rejected Christ and eventually His apostles, and the Church and authority to govern His church was taken away from the earth. But since God is a just God and unchanging, He called another prophet. This prophet was called Joseph Smith. Through Joseph Smith, God restored His church to the Earth. (I'd explain more, but I only have a few minutes left. So...) Today we have a living prophet, his name is Thomas S. Monson, and through him, God gives us direction. I know that Christ lives and that His church has been restored to the earth. I love you all.

Your Friend, Brother, Son, and Elder
Samuel H. Chiba

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony, Elder Chiba. You are a wonderful missionary there in Brazil AND here on the web.
    (a friend of Elder Epperson)
