Monday, December 6, 2010

Remember Him

Yesterday, I had to go to the stake center here for a rehearsal of Christmas music. There is going to be a "Cantata" on the 25th(Christmas), so, I´ll be singing. It was a lot of fun rehearsing. It´s been a while since I´ve been able to exercise the fullness of my singing capabilities. I´m a little rusty unfortunately, but I´ve still got it. And by the looks of it, I´ve not lost my range. I just have to put a lot of energy behind what I sing. My vocal stamina is not what it used to be. I suppose I should practice more, but there isn´t too much time in the day. Actually, I think the only time that I really have in the day to actually practice is when I´m in the shower. But I take a shower right when I get up in the morning, and singing in the morning is not the most fun, especially before 7 am........ I also don´t want to bother the neighbors, but who knows. Maybe I´ll work up some courage.

Yesterday was also fast and testimony meeting. I was sitting in sacrament meeting listening to everyone sharing their testimonies. I felt that maybe I should get up and share my testimony also, but there were a lot of people and the time was running out. But my heart was pounding with such a force that I could not reject the impulse to go up. I bore my testimony. It was an amazing experience. I bore my testimony about the Atonement of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and why this time of the year is so special. I cried. Which in my opinion wasn´t something very common for me until I started this mission.

It doesn't do much good to try and repeat what I said, especially because it was in Portuguese, but I have a testimony of the love that our Savior has for us. I know that He suffered for our sins, our heartache, our sadness, our pain, our difficulties, and any other trial that we face, have faced, and will face. I know that His love for me is so imense that even if I were the only person in the world who sinned, He would still come to rescue me. We are never alone. I know that our Savior, Jesus Christ, was born, came into this world a silent and peaceful night many years ago to save us from our sins and redeem us from death. This is why Christmas is special. Do not forget the importance for this season. Remember Him. I love you. I know that Christ lives.
-Elder Samuel H. Chiba

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