Monday, February 7, 2011


Unfortunately, this week has been slow, but we did have an awesome activity and a baptismal service. My companion Elder Bezerra and Sister Hallman will be transfered tomorrow and two others will arrive to replace them in our district.
So, the activity was a enactment of Lehi´s dream of the Tree of Life. (you can read about the dream in 1 Nephi chapter 8, 11, and 15,

So, the activity was really cool. We had everyone blind folded ánd brought them to a rope. If they continued on the course of the rope the whole until the end, they were able to reach the tree of life. But, if they got lost or led astray by others they ended up in a room of darkness. (It was the sisters´ idea) What we need to learn from this is the fifth principle of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. The principle of endure to the end (or in Portuguese 'perseverar').

The Gospel of Jesus Christ when applied to our life is like a race. So there are 5 principles and ordinances of the gospel, and the race has 5 miles. So, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the following: Faith in Jesus Christ, Repentance, Baptism for the remission of sins, Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End.
So, let´s imagine that we have faith in Jesus Christ. Good, we´ve finished the first mile. When we have faith in Christ, we continue forward and repent, completing the 2nd mile. Then we are baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, thus completing the 3rd and 4th miles. Is that enough? We continue forward a little while, but stop going to church and/or seminary, stop reading the scriptures, stop praying. Were the first four miles worth the effort if we don´t finish the race?
Just like in Lehi´s dream. If we continue forward following Christ and His gospel (or the rod of iron) we can make it to the end and enjoy the fruit and glory of our work. Sure, we will be tired, and maybe feel like we want to give up. There will also be trials and difficulties. But if we rely on the Savior and trust in Him and what He promisses we can make it to the end. We can complete that 5th mile and inherrit eternal life.

I implore you to hold to that which will lead you to true happiness. Let us endure to the end. I know that He lives. His gospel is true. If we follow it we will be able to enjoy eternal happiness. I love you.

-Elder Samuel H. Chiba

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