Monday, August 30, 2010

We´re all by our lonesome....

So, our house was full of joy and kind of noisy, then transfers came. So, now it is only me and Elder Braga. We get along great, but we miss the others. So, monday nightlast week was pretty fun. It was me, Elder Braga, and Elder Iglézia. We went to the lan house to email. They were both not feeling well, but you know emailing isn´t that strenuous.... I thought. They weren´t well, at all. We ended up at the hospital afterward. Oh dear. We left the cell phone at the house and we needed to get a hold of our mission president and some of the church members to help. So, we were in the hospital. The two other elders lying in beds. What was I to do? Well, I had to break a rule and ran home all by myself to get the phone. I was all stressed and stuff, and praying the whole time that everything would be ok. Fortunately, Camocim is not that big and it only takes like 10-15 minutes to run from the hospital to the house and back. Everything is fine now. My companion had eaten something bad and the other was sick from what seemed to be induced emotionally. Anyway, that was an adventure.

I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. I know it is true for many reasons. Some reasons are really basic. For example, as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ, we follow Christ´s example. We try to live in accordance with His teachings and commandments. Another reason is that everything makes sense. There isn´t any doctrine in the church that is contradictory. The more that I´ve been studying and teaching the gospel, the more I realize how everything is connected. It is mind boggling, but so amazing. But most importantly, I know that The Book of Mormon is true. The Book of Mormon is the cornerstone of our religion. The doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures (The Holy Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price) are the foundation of our faith, but The Book of Mormon is the Cornerstone. If the Book of Mormon is false, than my whole life and my whole purpose in life, especially right now, is a lie. I challenge anyone who has any doubts, who has any curiosity about The Church of Jesus Christ to read The Book of Mormon and ask God, in faith that He will answer, if The Book of Mormon is true.

I know what I know is true. I know that God knows that I know, and I can never deny it. The gospel that I have been called to teach is for the salvation of souls. How wonderful it is to be here, to see lives change, because of the blessings of the gospel. I know that Jesus Christ lives. It is only through Him that we can be cleaned of all of our sins and live with God and our families forever. I love you my friends and my family.

-Elder Samuel H. Chiba

Monday, August 23, 2010

Staying In Camocim

To My Beloved Friends and Family,

Well, Transfers are here. Elder Braga and I are staying by ourselves here in Camocim, and the other missionaries Elder Iglézia and Elder Melo are being transfered. So, we have the whole city to ourselves. This week has been very calm. Not much to talk about. Except, remember how I said that there weren´t very many animals here? I think I´ve gotten used to random animals in random places. There are cows that roam the streets here. One time I saw a cow eating out of a garbage can. It took the garbage bags out of the can and shook it about to tear it open to get whatever was inside. You know when you´re camping you have to put your food and garbage in a place where the bears and racoons won´t get to it. Or maybe in the city, there are cats or racoons that dig through the garbage, but here in Camocim, there are cows.

We all have our weaknesses. We all have our troubles, but if we are humble The Lord will make us strong, and make our weaknesses our strengths. In the book of Ether we learn this.

27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

This, I know to be true. If you have faith and trust in the Lord, He will help you overcome anything. I love you all.

-Elder Samuel H. Chiba

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Voting in Brasil and Vicios (Addictions)

Oi pessoal!
So, it´s voting time in Brasil, or maybe just in Ceará. I don´t know for certain. Unlike the U.S. voting here is mandatory. Also, the ways to advertise are pretty annoying. There are these cars that drive around with HUGE sound systems that play songs/jingles for the candidates. Every candidate has a different number. I didn´t realize it was because of voting at first. Hahahaha! I told my companion Élder Braga, "Man people here really like to sing about numbers." I think it was the following day, or some time after ward, I saw a banner on one of the loud campaigning cars, and it finally clicked. "Oh, it´s for elections!" The other night there was a huge rally in the streets. More like a parade of sorts with tons of motorcycles (not hogs, like honda and such, just regular motorcycles), those obnoxious music cars, and banners. It was a fun sight, but I felt bad for the people in the cars (they probably have hearing damage).

[After an experience with a church member's family I feel impressed to share something concerning Vicios (Addictions) ]
Addictive substances are terrible things. They destroy families, friendships, and your life. One of the things that we teach as missionaries is "The Word of Wisdom" ( which is a commandment that was given to the prophet Joseph Smith. It´s basically a guide of how to live a healthy life. We should eat in moderation and exercise. Also there are 5 basic things to avoid 1. Alcohol, 2. Tobacco, 3. Hot Drinks (coffee and tea [herbal tea is okay though]), 4. Illigal Drugs and abused perscriptions, and 5. Other Addictive substances. Some things seem like they may be innocent or harmless, but the reality is these things are addictive. Some are obviously bad like alcohol, drugs, and tobacco (if you don´t know the adverse effects of these, talk to your doctor or someone who knows about health). But, things like coffee and tea. What´s the harm? The truth is people gain a dependency on them. For example, "I can´t start my day without..." or "When I don´t drink ... I get a headache." And then a lot of people like to say, "But it´s been scientifically proven that...." so, my responce to that is "In the end, who is more correct? Who knows what is better for you? Some scientists? or God?" But the thing is my friends, I can say a lot of things. I only ask that you ask God for yourself if what I am saying is true. That you ask God the Eternal Father in the name Christ if the Book of Mormon is true. If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God and he received relevations to bless our lives with more health. I know that The Word of Wisdom is truly a gift from our Heavenly Father. I know that it is true because I live a healthy life. I love you all.

Your Missionary,
Élder Samuel H. Chiba

1 Corinthians Chapter 3
16 Know ye not that ye are the atemple of God, and that the bSpirit of God dwelleth cin you?
17 If any man adefile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is bholy, which temple ye are.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Gosto do Vento (I like wind)

Things here in Camocim are very peaceful. The wind is especially nice, because the the sun is hot. But, it doesn´t get too warm. My tie get´s blown all over the place, which is pretty cool (literally), partially because I don´t have much hair to be blown around in the wind (especially after today, because I got my ears lowered like Keoki likes to say).

Fun story, while I was waiting for my companion to get his hair cut, an old man walks in (I´m pretty sure he was drunk) shakes my hand and gives me a big hug. Go figure, the cabeleiro was right next to a bar. Anyway, the old man sat down next to me and was looking through pictures of a magazine and seemed to pause at the advertizements for lingerie. After a while someone from the bar called him back, and before he left, he again took me by the hand and gave me a big hug. (just so you know, i´m twice the size of this man, maybe the same size while I´m sitting). That was a fun moment today.

I´ve been able to play the flute for various occasions, but only when President Dias is around, because he has a flute that he let´s me use. It´s been great to play. I played during the training in Teresina, during the Zone Conference last week, and at church on Sunday when Presidente visited. The church here is growing. It´s great! Elder Iglézia, who was serving as the branch president was released and a member of the branch was called to be the new branch president. WOOHOO!!! It´s so exciting.

Anyway, I have a challenge for everyone. The challenge is to read the Book of Mormon by December 1st. If you want to make it more challenging, I challenge you to read it in another language. I suppose I´m challenging you because I´m lazy in my reading of the Book of Mormon in Portuguese. I´ve been reading in English this whole time. I got to changer 11 in 1st Nephi by the end of my time in the CTM, and have only progressed to chapter 15 of 1st Nephi... I think. I study everyday, but my goal is to read the whole book in Portuguese by December 1st 2010. Also, for anyone who wants to strengthen their language skills (for those of you who are bilingual) read it in the language that you are "rusty" in. So, when you finnish the book, write me a letter and tell me how it went. Don´t forget to read the introduction! I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that it has the fullness of the gospel. I know that there are treasures of knowledge that you will find in it´s pages that will change your life. I know because my perspective on life changed once I actually read The Book of Mormon. I love you and hope you have a wonderful time reading and pondering.

Yours Truly,
Elder Samuel H. Chiba

Monday, August 2, 2010

Not much time today.

Hey, I´m doing fine. The training in Teresina was great. It was for all of the leaders in the mission to learn how to be better missionaries, and so it´s our duty to pass on what we learned to the others in our charge. I´ll write more next week, but I need to go. The principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ can help heal and solve any problem you have. I know it is true. And the fullness of the gospel is found in The Book of Mormon. I love you.

-Elder Samuel H. Chiba