Monday, October 25, 2010

Burro e Cabra

So, burro (boohoh) means donkey and cabra means goat. This week I discovered how much my companion loves to pet animals. Fortunately the frequency to encounter these animals is such that we happen upon them several times a day. We usually stop to pet them or give them some kind of foliage. We´ve been playing with the idea of getting donkeys when we return home from the mission. If I end up having a lot of land, I´ll get myself a donkey. They´re pretty useful. They can pull things for you, but also, you can use the donkey in the local Christmas pageant. I think if I get one, I´ll name it Stanley. I think that´s a good name. There is also a donkey that really likes me. She is quite passionate. My companion likes to joke that she is my girlfriend. Unfortunately, I´m still not the biggest fan of goats. But he took some good pictures.

Recently I finished reading the gospel of John in the New Testament. I had never read it before, but during genereal conference in April the Prophet said to read the book of St. John. So, I read it. It was a really good experience, especially because right now I´m a representative of Jesus Christ. I was reading so I could learn more about the Savior, but also how to act more like Him. There is a scripture in The Book of Mormon that I encountered recently that I thought was very profound. It´s found in the book of 3rd Nephi chapter 27 verse 21. (Jesus Christ speaking)

21 Verily, verily, I say unto you, this is my gospel; and ye know the things that ye must do in my church; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do; for that which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do;

It was the last phrase that stood out to me. "for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do;". Truly, this phrase is the something that we all need to apply in our lives. I know that if we follow the example of our Savior in all things, we can truly be happy. I love you my friends and family. I pray that we can all improve ourselves a little bit more everyday to be more like the Savior.

-Elder Samuel H. Chiba

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