Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Olá Gente

Olá Gente, (hello people). I hope everything is well on the other side of the world. Ok, well other side of the equator. I guess that´s the other side of the world huh? Anyway, good news I´ve gained about 2 kilos back. So, I´m at a stunning 90 kilos. I´ve been having headaches recently, I probably should be drinking more water than I am. I drink a pretty good amount though. Who knows?

I guess this week was tranfers, (i thought it was next week), but good news, I´m still in Cidade Jardim in Teresina. I´m glad. We´ve been teaching some awesome people and I was hoping to see them through everything. Speaking of awesome people, we´ve been teaching this awesome guy named Marcos, he´s 18, and he´s amazing! We started teaching him a couple weeks ago, and he is devouring The Book of Mormon. He´s going to be baptized this Saturday!

Also, I´m pretty sure that I´ve said that bugs are bigger here, and I´d like to reitterate this statement. On Saturday, we were doing some service work cleaning up a member´s backyard, and there were a lot of big spiders, a huge caterpillar, and a whole bunch of intensly scary ants. The ants were about as long as my thumb nail and they had huge mandibles. There were a whole bunch of decaying coconuts that we were putting into this bad and these ants were all over the coconuts. They were really angy and you could hear their mandibles snapping as they were ferociously biting anything, (I didn´t get bitten) but the sound of them biting was like the popping of little bubbles of bubble wrap. Man, that was intense.

So, I don´t remember the grammar rules I´ve told you already. But, today I want to share with how amazing the gospel is. The only problem is that I don´t have the words to express how wonderful it is. All I know is that it is perfect and it is true. The more I study and the more I teach the gospel, the more I learn and understand how perfect it truly is. So, I suppose, I can´t really do much to help you except share a little bit every week and also invite you to talk with the missionaries in your area. My friends and family, the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored and is complete and perfect. The church that Jesus Christ established is on the earth today, and we have a prophet who receives relevation from God to direct the church. I have been called of God through His prophet, Thomas S. Monson, to share and teach people about His gospel. I know that if we all follow the teachings of Christ and learn more about Him and His gospel our lives will improve everyday. I love you all.

Elder Samuel H. Chiba

p.s. i attatched a picture of a spider and the huge caterpillar

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